Thursday, November 18, 2010


I rode Fudo Myo (my bike) down to the Fine Line Music Cafe this evening, on invitation from Brant Kingman, the sculptor who loaned us his statue of Nike the goddess for our Ladies Boodoir. The occasion was the first I AM MPLS celebration, a toast to local cultural stars, of fashion, music, retail, etc. Brant was performing with his lady friend, Sylvia.

When I got there, there was a line, and the people in it were local hipsters who were exceptionally rude. I was bumped from the line about three times before I decided I was next. I didn't hold it against them as many were dressed as if it were June - until the blond in the red coat, standing upwind puffing on her cigarette tried to push me aside as she exhaled two lungs of smoke directly into my face. I stopped talking to security and looked at her. She backed off.

I had forgotten my ID at my house. To enter I had to agree to be marked: a black permanent marker X on the back of each hand. Don't serve that man. I didn't really need to be reminded I do not belong. Very few people in MPLS know who I am.

First introductions, then a very fun comic, Amber Preston (that's Aamber Preston, if you have her number in your contacts and are prone to drunk dialing.) Then came a parade of all those cultural folks featured, all but one Gen Xers. Ms Angie Arner and Ms Liz Nelson of CounterCouture were modeling clothes designed by a member of my staff, Katrina Elliot. Brant closed it out with a curious dance and light show. It was a kind of barbarian warrior, priestess show down, with a full battery of lasers and flashing LED's. A man of many talents, Brant. And Sylvia. Well, she is simply gorgeous. Very beautiful people, all.

A band called Estate followed the ceremony. I liked them very much. They called for dancers on the runway three times before I decided to accept the challenge. I danced for a full song, stalking that runway with as much joy as I could muster. It seemed to go over well. A lady a generation older told me I dance very well. Two beautiful black women gave me their raffle tickets before leaving. Two more ladies approached me, one asking if she could take her picture with me. She didn't realize I wasn't a scheduled part of the show. They wanted me to dance more, but I wasn't really dressed for it (three layers; though they suggested I remove most of them) and by that time there was a new band, the Red Pens, local faves with a very strong sound, but not really a beat I can dance to.

I could have followed Brant and Estate over to the Varsity Theater, but they didn't ask and I wasn't biking there. Really, I only wanted to go home (to the remains of Monster Halloween) and have a scotch. Just one, before bed. Maybe two.

Brant took away his sculpture this morning. There is no more shrine to the Goddess, here. Another two days and that will be the end of Monster Halloween, 2010. Then I retire to my house for the winter.

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