End of the year predictions? Of course,
I said recently I think of the Winter Solstice as the true New Year -
Dec 31/Jan 01, entirely arbitrary. But then, most of West Civ. is
still mired in the Gregorian, and I am a supposed natural mystic, in
the, um, bizness of prophesying, So I suppose I could comment on 2013
becoming 2014.
What was 2013? The year we got our
reprieve from the world ending, apparently. Depending on your
perspective. I guess when I think about this video, I sort of have my
doubts about that.
What is that, the CIA? Anyone remember
Mockingbird? What sort of pathology is this, this consumer script, to
save the economy? To keep the world as we know it from ending? Is
this what people are good for, buying stuff they don't need, to
support the debt to support things like - bankers and nuclear
facilities? - until we can't buy things anymore? I'm not sure which is more
deadly, potentially, bankers or nuclear faclities, whether we keep
buying shit we don't need or not, which of course humanity cannot
think about putting that reckoning off forever. Don't be shocked if Fukushima blows again in 2014.
I was watching old Sandy Hook “hoax”
videos last night, until 3am. God knows why. Talk about pathology; It
is hard to tell who loves guns more, the Left or the Right in
America. Of course the Left only wants Law Enforcement, the CIA
alpha ETC, Imperial war machine to be armed to the teeth, whereas
the Right wants everybody to be so stockpiled and willing. Watching
the various videos of the immediate aftermath of that very sordid event, it is very much as if half the Sandy Hook parents cared
more about pacifying and disarming average Americans than they did
their own dead children, which is very strange, but then who can
account for the pathology of consumers, in the land of more guns than people? I know that event happened in
2012, but it was the effects of that spectacular failure in
every respect, that we felt in 2013. I don't think we can leave that to TPTB to decide what is what, any more than we can 9/11 or the Boston Bombing. But we probably will.
Speaking of Mockingbird, we tend to remember history how we are told.
I much prefer watching this sort of
thing. The proper use of a vehicle.
These folks did well in 2013. I wish
more people would act more like them, in 2014.
Otherwise, there does seem a growing
fringe consensus, despite that we survived Dec 21, 2012, that 2014 is
the year global debt meets it's reckoning. The Chinese are playing
pin the tail on that dragon, while the Rising Sun islanders nextdoor
are feeding homeless to it. The Europeans thought they slayed it; we
Americans thought we could ride it.
Smaug makes trillions for somebody, which trillions somebody's aren't inclined to give up; Hobbits may be about all that's left, by the time that fire stops burning. Whenever it starts. (Would we even have a 2014 election if that dragon started blowing more than smoke? More like WWIII.)
Smaug makes trillions for somebody, which trillions somebody's aren't inclined to give up; Hobbits may be about all that's left, by the time that fire stops burning. Whenever it starts. (Would we even have a 2014 election if that dragon started blowing more than smoke? More like WWIII.)
For awhile I thought 2014 might be the
year we initiated the first SUNstead. Unfortunately, it doesn't
appear there are any more people involved, than when we started
talking about it in 2013. It hardly seems we have time left, but then
maybe I am conflating my own life with that of civilization, and I am
just thinking I would like to see the fruit and nut trees mature, the
second generation to grow into adulthood.
While I work on building that, I expect
the stock market to continue to give Damocles a migraine.
Why does he
need the sword to fall on his head, if he's just going to levitate
until it splits him in half? Idiot might have the sense to get out
from under that sword, but kings aren't made to abdicate the throne.
I wish I could say the age of petty emperors would end in 2014, but
best case scenario in my cosmology is, 200 years at least. Which is
about how long I expect it will take, before Industrialism plays
itself out. Of course, I'm an optimist compared to some, who think we won't get out of this century without a mass extinction and a zero
point, or the former but not the latter; I'm like a shining sun compared, lol.
Where was I? Oh right, stock market. See debt smaug.
I met a woman at the end of 2013 :). We
talked for like 15 hours total, on three occasions. I suspect my reality would
ruin the bliss of her shopping, though. I can't let shopping happen
without thinking about reality. Which made it a little too like
pretending for the both of us, I think. No woman no cry.
I've been watching more of Bob lately. Which
reminds me I'm almost out of cannabis. Oh right, fascist state.
Funny, I was thinking recently how curious it is, that Colorado is
now king of cannabis, Confined Animal Feed Lots (CAFO) and Fracking. I
wonder if cannabis will make them come to their senses? Probably
you'll see a fascist backlash, if too many Coloradans start
questioning the latter. I would expect my own state to expand CAFO
and mining before they authorize cannabis. Here in Minnesota it will
possibly be decided in 2014, whether or not we are going to pollute
the waters with sulphuric acid and heavy metals, for the next 10-25
generations, with a single generation of mining. Cannabis
prohibition OMG! If TPP and TAP trade pacts become law, it won't even
matter what the people of Minnesota or any other state think about
mining or pollution or cannabis, no matter how high they are or not.
The most vocal of them will get the Bob treatment.
As for 2014 in America, and a
definitive metaphor, this New Year's Eve? It's so cold, ravens are
roosting in the middle of the day, in the tree outside my window; I
shot a rabbit, I was going to eat it, but I think I'll feed the
ravens instead; I'm going to go buy some alcohol, and then eat the left-over Chinese
I bought last night. I threw the rabbit outside; the ravens flew away. I got drunk and high and forgot the Chinese. (maybe it
will make sense this time next year.)
Anyway, if anyone want's to talk about
SUNstead prospects, or anything else, check in. I'm on gmail. The Doomstead Diner. I don't
often check Facebook or my website.
Merry New Year - Happy 2014
Merry New Year - Happy 2014
Rome wasn't built in a day. :)
The SUN will come out tomorrow, it's only a day away-Little Orphan Annie
Well, let's hope little orphan American Annie doesn't have to deal with radiation plumes, before the SUN rises :)
Btw, let's not build Rome again.
Gibbon would make for some instructive re-reading right now. Blessings of the season to you, WHD!
From over on HuffPo... I'll freely admit that I'm not a nuclear physicist. I have a better understanding of the basics than most adults do, but beyond that, I don't mess with it in as a daily experience. But, when it comes to your statements on Fukishima, you say there is proof of a continuing fission reaction underground and that someone should shut that reaction down. My question is "how do you stop fission outside of a containment unit?" Should we just pound a lot of neutron absorbing rods into the dirt, or is there something special? Once that has been fixed, then what's next? People complain about groundwater, and say "seal it up" but when they do that, I get the feeling they have never tried to seal up and move an entire water table before.
Happy new year and hope you had enough weed to celebrate through the night!
Perhaps 2014 will be the breakthrough year when people finally get it but rather than worrying why not just enjoy the ride? Too many people run around like headless chickens because they are only interested in reaching their destination.
Slow down, take it easy and enjoy every moment while it lasts, the world and especially your life is not going to last forever.
Blessings, Surly1.
Nor am I a physicist. Some people are saying, contain the thing in a concrete sarcophagus, but you are right, little good that would do if the rods have burned through the floor, down into the water table. After all, they built the thing on an ancient river bed, next to the ocean, on the Ring of Fire.... perhaps there is no fix, and they will mostly pretend to fix it the next decade or so?
Proof enough to me, nuclear energy was a bad idea in the first place, that all their assurances that it's safe, that it is environmentally friendly, are so much toxic steam. Yet they want to build fifty of them in the UK! Fukushima should be initiating a draw down, but that's not happening. They just keep extending the life of existing facilities, storing more and more tons of nuclear waste. Word is, the United States is pressuring Japan to restart all it's reactors.
Really, if it were up to me I would probably gather it all up and drop it in the Marianas. LOL, Huffpost has cut several responses of mine, to comments on my comment. Why, do you suppose?
Good advice Monsta :)
That "1, or 2, or 10" thing was fuckin' scary shit dude. I quit watching MSM several years ago...and that's pretty much why. Let there be no mistake that the Matrix controls MSM for purposes of BAU...consumption.
I find it's easier to ignore it. No good can come from giving a shit about it.
The SUN project, or something like it, is really the best alternative to going it alone (suicide or madness this way lies), or complete denial. Even if we were able to emigrate to a non-empire, non-fascist society, I would want to replicate the SUN project.
RE: Fukushima - it will leak for centuries. Those who live nearby will suffer much higher rates of cancer, heart-disease, hypothyroidism, and numerous other ailments, some unknown to modern medicine. This is not counting the giant increase in spontaneous abortions and still births. The rest of the world (those us not in Japan) will suffer higher rates of cancer, mainly. Some treatable, some not. Some preventable by increasing your intake of powerful antioxidants (a great idea).
However, as climate change causes massive, random flooding, which nuclear plant will be next?
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