Thursday, February 3, 2011

Lost Civilizations

In a recent post I offered three hypotheses, all of which are paradigm shifting. I didn't make them up, I simply pulled them from various sources, and listed them in the post with the intention of looking into each further. To that end, I am ready to comment on the third: that there has been a civilization here on Earth more technologically sophisticated than our own.

Specifically, I point to the work of Graham Hancock, Robert Bauval and the geologist John West, all of whom have suggested the Great Pyramid of Giza, and indeed the entire complex of Giza including the Sphinx, were not built by the fourth dynasty pharaohs Khufu, Khafre and Menkaure, in the period between 2613-2494 BC, as orthodox Egyptologists and Historians suggest. As evidence, they point specifically to weathering patterns on the Sphinx, which have been caused by rain, though it has not rained significantly in Egypt the last 9000 years; the design of the pyramids, particularly the Great Pyramid, which is built to specifications so precise, with such materials as to be impossible to recreate using even the most modern technological means; the fact that the pyramids said to be built in the 3rd, 5th and 6th dynastys are radically inferior to the Giza pyramid, defying the rule of social progress; and the layout of the pyramids, which in relation to the Nile and the Milky Way, reflects the pattern of the three stars of the belt of Orion, as they were in the year 10,450 BC.

What is the evidence orthodox Egyptologists and Historians offer for the 4th dynasty hypothesis? Basically, that a statue of Khufu and another of Kafre were found on the site. This of course is not evidence of anything. But you don't need evidence when you have consensus. If we all agree the world is flat, we don't need to prove it.

The fact is, the Great Pyramid was not built by any known civilization. If we tried to build an exact copy today, I'm quite certain we could not. We don't know how to move 200 ton blocks with any degree of efficacy, and certainly not by the number and to the degree of precision the builders of the Great Pyramid did.

So who did?

Graham Hancock offers a fairly convincing answer. Basically, that 15,000 years ago, the continent of Antarctica was in fact significantly further north, that it had a pleasant, largely ice free climate, that a slippage of the Earth's crust caused in part by the centrifugal force of the Earth's rotation, exasperated by the uneven weight of continent sized glaciers, radically altered the face of the planet. Pushing Antarctica, the potential home of a technologically sophisticated culture, into deep freeze. A process initiating the global catastrophe that nearly ever cultural mythology around the globe speaks about. That the survivors spread around the globe, building structures in various places, including the city of Tiahuanaco in Bolivia, Chichen Itza, Machu Pichu, and the structures of the Giza complex, and perhaps many more that are currently under water.

This last part, under water, he covers in his book Underworld, which I haven't yet found a copy of. Evidently, he and his wife Santha spent five years traveling to various parts of the globe, visiting underwater structures similar to those discussed above.

That there is not a massive, ongoing assessment of these structures is one of the great mysteries of our Age.

Under the current orthodox measure of social progress, there can't be technologically sophistcated buildings under water, because there were no cultures capable of building them, when the glaciers melted 12,000 years ago, raising sea levels 400 ft. Such a find would rewrite history, and call into question our technological and social arrogance. Another testament to the power of orthodoxy to stand in the way of understanding, to prevent humanity from coming to a true and honest assessment of who we are.

How these cultures built these structures remains a question, one that Graham Hancock does not pretend to answer. Some will immediately say, ET's! Well, maybe. I'm no longer inclined to discount anything, just because the orthodox say it's crazy. I am increasingly inclined to think that, for all our technological ingenuity, our civilization is rather immature, pathetically so, as evidenced by the way we treat each other and the Earth. Hell, here in America, the supposed light for all the world, something like 40% of adults think the Universe is only about 6000 years old. Do I think ET's built the pyramids? I don't think so. Do I think the knowledge required to build the Great Pyramid perhaps came from an Extra-Terrestrial or super-natural source? Maybe. I don't know. Mine is not the kind of intelligence that says no just because I don't know, or because I don't like the ramifications of that possibility, or because I don't want to know.

As for ET's, that's part of a different post to come. As for thinking the universe is only 6000 years old? I don't see that science contradicts the notion of a divine source at all. I do see that a good many scientists are overly rational, condescending, arrogant, aloof and dismissive. Because as I've said, orthodoxy is as much a problem for the scientist as it is for the Believer.


I've re-named this blog, from a study of the coming Great Contraction, to a study of the Great Awakening. I'm tired of looking at our culture purely through the lens of collapse. We are living in a time of quickening, of ever increasing access to information. I want to believe we are on the verge of a great social Renaissance, in which we slough off the cloak of hierarchy and tyrannical social inequality, in favor of harmony, balance, wholeness and healing. The universe is divine. There are levels of awareness we have hardly begun to perceive. I want to live in that space, not in the fear of collapse and ever evolving tyranny.

I hope this blog is of use to you. I know there aren't more than a proverbial handful of you out there. It's hard, sometimes, to contemplate these things, when I feel like I'm the only one impacted. Because we are living in a lost civilization. One way or another, it's coming to an end, soon. I don't know what that's going to look like, but I vote for a Great Awakening. I've explored all the alternatives. The only one worth thinking about is peace.

***For the work of Graham Hancock, see ***

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